What conditions can hypnotherapy help?

Somebody feeling anxious, one of many conditions treatable by hypnotherapy.Conditions

The following is a list of symptoms or problems of the mind that hypnotherapy can help with.  The list is actually pretty much endless, and maybe your particular problem isn’t listed. If that is the case please call me for a private and confidential chat, or pop in and see me for a FREE initial consultation.  Maybe you want to:

  • Stop smoking,
  • Manage pain,
  • Control:
    • Your weight,
    • Exam nerves,
    • Driving test fears,
    • Blushing,
    • Social phobias,
    • Fear of Dentists,
    • Insomnia,
    • Anger,
  • Deal with a lack of self confidence and low self esteem,
  • Achieve goals,
  • Manage ‘stuck’ grief.

Stress Management

Food cravings, frequently crying, insomnia, feeling tired, anger, anxiety, changes in behaviour, difficulty concentrating, diarrhoea, constipation, dizziness, chest pains, nervous twitches, sexual problems and many more.


Nail biting, thumb sucking and any unwanted behavioral patterns.


Do you suffer with chronic gastrointestinal problems? Abdominal pain and discomfort? Episodes of constipation and/or diarrhoea? Bloating of the abdomen, excessive wind and a feeling that you have not fully emptied your bowel?

Panic Attacks

Palpitations, sweating, choking sensations, feeling dizzy, fear of losing control, shortness of breath, muscle pain are some of the symptoms.


Fear of flying, fear of spiders, fear of enclosed spaces, to name a few.

Sexual Problems

Men: Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, retarded ejaculation, loss of libido.
Women: Vaginismus, orgasm problems, anorgasmia, low libido.