Case Study – Quit Smoking

How to Quit Smoking

Stub out smoking

A client in her 60s a smoker for over 40 years came for a quit smoking session, in her own words she was finished with feeling unhealthy.

For the first part of the quit smoking 2 hour session I explain the facts about smoking. In particular the devastating impact it has on the body, on your life. I then discuss the benefits of quitting smoking. Even after 40 years the body can start to repair itself; it is an amazing machine. The good news is that the benefits start immediately you quit. Before I begin the second hour I ensure that my client is ready and committed. This part of the session is used for hypnosis and suggestion re-programming your subconscious mind to help it quit smoking.

After the session my client felt relaxed, positive and committed. 

Positive Feedback

Fitness Levels

FitBit on wrist.
Photo by Kamil S on Unsplash

A few months later I received feedback thanking me and telling me she is richer in her pocket but, more importantly, she is richer in her health. In the past, when out for a walk with her brother, he would often joke that he hardly scored any ‘points’ on his FitBit. Scoring 28 recently where they would normally have scored just 5 or 6 they were pleasantly surprised. This was because she was able to cope with a faster pace averaging a little over 3mph. Positive proof that her fitness level has improved (and continues to do so).

Quality of Life

Vindaloo Curry
Photo by on Unsplash

Another interesting improvement is that her taste buds have come back. She realised this when the family ordered an Indian Takeaway and she asked for her usual vindaloo. At her first mouthful she complained that the order must have been wrong because it was way too hot. She now eats milder curries, even madras is too hot for her. A big shock for my client after 40 years of eating vindaloos but on the plus side a big improvement to her taste buds!

The chemicals in tobacco cause a loss of taste in smokers as well as structural changes to the fungiform papillae of the tongue where the taste buds are found; you can read more about this here.

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